HoMe SwEeT hOmE...
Hi PpL!!! i'Ve FiNaLlY cOnStRuCtEd My OwN hOmEpAge, DiDn'T rEaLiSe It WoUlD bE sO tIrIng AnD nOt 2 MeNtIoN tImE cOmSuMiNg!!! As Ya CaN sEe It'S jUsT a StArT sO nOtHiNg ExTrAvAgAnZa AbOuT iT yEtTt!!!!. It'S bEtA tHaN nOtHiNg RiTo??? So YeAh HoPe Ya EnJoY yA sTaY!!! pLuZ dOn'T fOrGeT tO sIgN tHe GuEsS bOoK!!!! nEeD aLl ThE cOmPlImEnTs i CaN gEt:) GiMmE sOmE fEeD bAcK oN tHe PaGe DuDeS!!!
I will be moving my belongings in shortly. In the meantime why not check out the link below to get your own 20MB of free webspace? www.fortunecity.com
My interests:- Art and Artists
- Fashion
- Music: Dance Music
- Music: R and B, Soul
- Music: Techno
- Socialising